it's my first time to see
ant this is not a flare effect ^^;;
well, first time i thought that is U.F.O
and changed to donut (coz now im hungry. ppfftt)
circle rainbow which same as halo round the moon, maybe
if you dont has delay as time as i put this pic and if you live in kyung-ki do (include seoul) may you also can see :p
4월 23일 오후 1:54분 현재 경기도권에선 하늘을 보시면 빛그림과 같은 원형 무지개를 보실수 있답니다~ ^^
circle rainbow
after revise(by acdsee), i could take seoul's pyramid
후보정하니까 느낌이 완전 다르네요 +0 +