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naver.com's campaign for the earth

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naver.com's campaign for the earth

i promissed with naver.com and donate 1,000won by naver.com
visit above address and have an appointment with naver.com
then also you can donate 1,000won by naver.com to some group which do efforct for protect earth
(for global warming prevent) it will finish when a billion won gather. hurry up if you like to donate~!!

http://eco.naver.com/index.nhn  앞의 page에서 지구지키기 실천계획 하나만 약속하시면
네입어에서 환경기금으로 1000원을 기부해 주네요 ^^ (1억원까지만)

이런 네입어? 는 참 맘에 드는군요.

얼마전에 한시간 전기안쓰기 campaign 했던게 생각나네요. ^^